
2. Natural Disaster Management and Mitigation / Causal Factors of Natural Disasters

Natural Disaster Management and Mitigation Symposium

Physical Sciences: Causal Factors of Natural Disasters
Presented 25 March 2023 in Edmonton, Alberta Canada
Part 2 of 12

Sarah Kehler, MSc, is a PhD candidate and Senior Research Associate in the Climate Adaptation and Resilience Lab, University of Alberta. Sarah has an MSc is in Earth and Atmospheric Sciences and BA with a double major in Human Geography and Design. Her supervisor is Jeff Birchall, PhD, RPP, MCIP, Associate Professor in Local-scale Climate Change Adaptation / Resilience and Associate Director of the School of Urban and Regional Planning, Earth & Atmospheric Sciences, University of Alberta.

Their research is interdisciplinary in scope, and explores the broad theme of environmental resilience, with specific attention to local scale governance and decision dynamics around motivational factors and extent of planning for climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction.

Sarah assesses climate change impacts at the local scale, how this influences local planning / policy decision-making and how this translates into on-the-ground action for disaster risk reduction.

The Symposium examines natural disaster management and mitigation, and offers presentations and Q&A sessions from experts in science, crisis communications, provincial and federal government policy, insurance industry's use of artificial intelligence and the Canadian Humanitarian Workforce program. There are 12 videos in the series from the full-day Symposium, 25 March 2023. See the playlist for additional presentations.

More information about the Symposium and other events can be found on the RAUSI website, https://www.rausi.ca/special-events.
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