
: Navigating the Individualized Education Program

Title of the Lesson/Activity: Navigating the Individualized Education Program : The Nuts & Bolts of Parent and Peer Advocacy Before and During Your Child’s IEP Meeting

Date:  Saturday, February 12, 2022

Time (stated in Eastern Time) 11:00 AM to 12:30 pm

Amount of Time: 90 minutes


Don’t feel lost in the abyss that is the Special Education process – we have guides to help you find and stay your path. Learn from experienced parent advocates about how to work your way through your child’s IEP meeting. We will help you identify obstacles early on and share strategies that will guide you through planning, advocating, finding allies, and putting together your own advocacy tool kit that can lead to a productive meeting. Bring your curiosity and questions!

Instructor:  Carlton Anne Cook Walker

Instructor’s Title:  Attorney at Law & Teacher of Students with Blindness/Low Vision, and Parent of a blind young adult

Instructor’s Affiliation:  Blindness Education and Advocacy Resources (BEAR)

Instructor’s Email:

Instructor: Lisa Lloyd

Instructor’s Title: parent and parent advocate

Instructor’s Affiliation: 

Instructor’s Email:

Primary Core or ECC Area: Family education and advocacy

Target Audience:  Families/Parents/Guardians

Pre-requisite knowledge:   none

Lesson Plan Goal:  Presentation on developing successful strategies and effective communication styles to best work with and advocate for blind and low vision children during the IEP process.

Learning Objectives: 

Participants will be able to describe the purposes of an individualized Education Plan (IEP) and to develop IEPs that fulfill these purposes.

Participants will be able to identify unique educational, legal, and practical concerns in the development of IEPs for children with the disability of “visual impairment, including blindness.”

Participants will be able to differentiate between “Accommodations” and “Modifications” and will be able to share an example of each.

Participants will be able to identify at least three (3) strategies for communicating with school professionals regarding your child’s education.
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